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10 Bookish Questions Tag!

Photo by Taisiia Shestopal on UnsplashAh, books. They’re one of my very first loves (besides toys and candy). And a love that has stayed for years and years (I’m not really into toys now but I sure do love my chocolate!). Though my passion for reading may ebb and flow (I’ve gone through some reading droughts in the past), I know books will always be there to comfort me in times of need. Like right...

My Perfect Fall Bucket List

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on UnsplashFall (or Autumn, as some may call it) is my favorite season ever. I just don’t know what it is about it that I love exactly. There are so many reasons that I have waxed on and on about it here on this very blog: the cooler weather, the falling leaves, the crispness in the air, the red/orange/yellow aesthetic, and HALLOWEEN. It’s just a wonderful season where you finally...

13 Horror Movies You NEED To Watch This Halloween! (Part 4)

Photo by Daniel Jensen on UnsplashDisclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, which means if you purchase something through one of these Very Special Links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Just a head's up!Hi boys and ghouls! It’s spooky season and my second Halloween post of this great month of October! To celebrate this scary, eerie month, I’ve decided to write about something...

The Hallotober Tag!

Photo by Sarah Gualtieri on UnsplashOctober has finally arrived! The spookiest and most fun time of the year is here! (Yes, I know I’m a tad late to the Blogtober party. Not that I'm doing Blogtober, but still) While it may not be cooling off where I live as much as it is in other parts of the world, I still look forward to the spooky season! There’s just so much to love about this time of year: the...

How To Get Through A Bad Mental Health Day

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on UnsplashI had a bad mental health day the other day. Like, really bad. As in, it was one of those ones where you hadn’t had one in a while and you almost thought you were done with them, and then out of the blue something happens and you’re literally just crying all day and wondering what you did wrong and you can’t identify your emotions because they’re just...

10 Nonfiction Books That Read Just Like Fiction!

Photo by Matias North on UnsplashDisclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, which means if you purchase something through one of these Very Special Links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Just a head's up! In a world of nonfiction, I am, at heart, a fiction loving girl. I know, I know! But as much as I love fiction, sometimes there are some nonfiction books that are so interesting...